Thursday, May 24, 2012

PIT LANE - New Limited Time Property



Upgrade your properties to build better items. You can build up to 6 items every 24 hours from Global properties.

We heard your feedback and have extended the time limit to collect all parts for your new Time Limited Property - Pit Lane.

You can now collect the required parts till June 4th 2012.

You will be able to collect up to 6 parts from your general post, 6 parts from individual posts and up to 3 parts by clicking on your friends' posts (in every 8 hours).

If you are experiencing any issues with collecting parts or your Feed posts, please click on the below link to fill a short survey:


  1. If you "heard us" you would not be putting us through this anymore!

    1. Everything is question of choice.You have it here also.Build limited time property or build not.
      Suggestion: we love comments very much, but this one is on the wrong place.Official info, so you should put comment on official MW blog. Thank you and enjoy gaming.
